How to make peanut butter

Make your own creamy (or crunchy) peanut butter, from scratch, in the comfort of your own home. It's cheaper and healthier!

Three stingless ways to use stinging nettles

There's more to stinging nettles than their annoying sting. Here are three of the best ways to utilize them.

Sweet as a beet

Make your own sugar at home with sugar beets. Photo: JadeGordon/

Make Italians everywhere proud

Recipe calls for tomato paste? Make some right in your kitchen from home-grown tomatoes.

How to make an Altoids survival tin on a budget

An Altoids survival tin is a useful survival tool to take with you while camping or to carry around every day. 

It contains a number of useful survival items in an extremely compact package that you can carry in your pocket. In the below video, I give you some tips on compiling a survival tin on a budget, using items you have lying around or which can be bought cheaply, including at the local dollar store.