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Make sugar with sugar beets

At first glance, making sugar from scratch seems impractical for most people -- sugar cane doesn't grow easily in their climate. But those people have another option: sugar beets.

To start the process of making beet sugar, make sure you grow sugar beets specifically, as other varieties of beets won't work.

Cut off the beet's leaves, wash the beets, and then cut them into very small pieces.

Place the beets in a pot and add just enough water to cover them. Cook the beets over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the beets are tender. The process should take about an hour.

Remove the beats from the pot and simmer the beat sugar water over medium heat. Stir frequently until the mixture becomes thick syrupy, with the same consistency as honey, then turn the heat off.

Wait for the mixture to cool, then transfer it to a storage container. The syrup will slowly crystallize. As it does, crush it into sugar beet crystals.

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